V's Infodump Blog


  • Name: V
  • Pronouns: he/him for convenience, they/them for fun
  • Age: late 20s (so that I don't have to remember to update this when i have a birthday lol)
  • Ailments: Autism, ADHD, C-PTSD, Chronic Pain (my hand hurts, ow)
  • Hi, I'm V. I'm a transgender SQL developer living in the US. This is my blog.

    I have a variety of interests which I will talk about here.

    I'm using green text on a black background specifically because it looks cool (also high contrast helps me read)

    I think websites should be accessible. I think the modern corporatized internet is highly unfriendly to users, particularly disabled users. I personally browse the web using the tab key and use a screen reader when I'm having trouble focusing, so bloated websites full of javascript and multiple dynamic elements make my life difficult. I have a deep-seated vendetta against them (looking at you Fandom).

    I think the ideal website is one where people can easily use extensions to alter the CSS if it isn't readable to them. It's difficult to load dyslexia fonts on a website if the website has a number of complex javascript elements. It's difficult to navigate through a page via tab if there's 10k interactive elements I have to tab through first.